December 14, 2010
Finals Week
Aahhhh! Lots of final projects and essays. I can’t wait to get done with this so I can upload everything here! Updates soon!
November 9, 2010
Microsoft College Puzzle Challenge!
So I did the College Puzzle challenge on this weekend, and it was awesome. Would not have traded my Saturday for anything else. I’m pretty sad that I won’t be around next year to participate!
This is my second year doing it, so I felt a lot more comfortable with the mindset one needs to be in to solve these puzzles.
The basic concept is that teams are given a packet of 30 puzzles. Each puzzle gives 10 points and each time they are solved, it adds a bit of information to the “meta-puzzle” (in this case a “slitherlink” grid whose numbers are filled in with each solution). Teams are placed n order of the time the meta-puzzle is solved, and by points for those who do not solve it.
My team did pretty well – came in 7th place out of 30 teams at our school. We solved the meta-puzzle as well! The day was spent locked in a room (luckily we got one with big windows on two sides of the room), solving puzzles, listening to music, goofing around when our heads hurt.
Either way, I highly recommend it to anyone, its a great team-working and brain exercise.
November 5, 2010
Finally, An Update!
Whew. This has been a busy semester so far. Haven’t gotten nearly as much uploaded as I’ve wanted, but I have been fairly consistent about keeping up with current projects, yay!
Classes have been sweet, very busy, but sweet:
- Construction of a Moving Image – Modeled a plant scene in Maya, and last week took it into Unity to make an animated clip. I think it came out pretty well! We just got our groups for our final project, which will be to continue the “inspiration” scene to make a longer movie
- Principles of Interaction Design – Working with “Designs for Change” – created a design that would help people become aware (and change) their consumption of energy. Next we will be creating an interface for a vase to be used for another purpose around the house.
- Video Game Design – We’re really getting into our game creation. Set up a repository online, creating art. Last week we got networking down, and an alpha is due soon.
- Science Fiction – Our focus has been on cyberpunk lately, so we’ve been reading a lot of William Gibson and the like. Not sure exactly what is next, but I’ve been interested in everything so far!
- Research – I’m working with a tangible tabletop interface. Our first project is to create Clue for the platform, and that’s really starting to come together, filming videos, creating pieces. The largest challenge has been to transfer the board game that relies on “private information” (knowledge of secret cards) to a platform that affords group knowledge. After this, we will be creating a documentary of my summer in Barcelona! My advisor created an Oscar-nominated documentary (Building Bombs), so this should be great!
So how about personal stuff? Well, I’ve been pledging to the Psi Upsilon fraternity, so thats been pretty time consuming. In some of my spare time I’ve been brainstorming some game ideas for a Flash game with a friend from my major and a guy from SCAD, he’s a great artist so if something happens with that, it would be sweet!
This weekend is also the College Puzzle Challenge! I participated last time, and I’ve been waiting excitedly all year for it to come back! It’s a whole day of solving puzzles with a group of 4. I’m working with the same group as last year so now were experienced and ready for the task! 😀
Next weekend my dad and half bother are coming up for the Georgia Tech, University of Miami game (he’s a UM alum), so that should be pretty exciting, and then I’m flying out to Seattle for a Microsoft interview!! I’m SO excited and pretty nervous, it would be amazing to work there! Even if I don’t get the job, it’ll be a great experience – never been to Seattle!
That’s about all for now! Busy busy busy!
October 4, 2010
Website To-Do
- ADD PROJECT CONTENT! – Most Important!
- Improve “Welcome” Page – add images, etc
- Spruce up blog- give more functions
- Add a art gallery program to my art section
- Update Resumé/image to reflect this new website
- Improve look of projects section – add pictures, make easier to read
- Add “back” links to project pages
- Change link color
If you have any ideas for other improvements, send me an email!!
Website Live!
Well, this is the first entry on my new website!
It’s a work in process, but so far I am really proud of it.
I just integrated this to WordPress, but I haven’t made it terribly feature-full yet. After I get more content uploaded, I’ll fancy this up!
If you see any problems with the site, or have some suggestions on how to improve it, shoot me an email at
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